Reiki Master Kate
I found this book to be the best I have read in ... well ... as long as I can remember. Probably ever!!! I was so impressed by it that I brought it to my own reiki master teacher last Tuesday to share some of its ideas and contents with her (I am a reiki master myself). She was so excited by the ideas I was sharing that she asked if she could take a photo of the cover so as to find it herself and purchase her own copy. This is extremely exciting to me because I think this is information that needs to be shared with as many Light workers as possible.
After finishing the entire book in less than 3 days, I quickly ordered 5 more of Embrosewyn's books. He has a lovely writing style that keeps me interested. Of course the content itself is also quite intriguing. Please do yourself a favor and purchase this book. You will be thrilled you did. You will learn about the importance of energy connections in your relationships!